After years of marriage counseling, transformational coaching, parenting classes and the ownership of multiple businesses, we found ourselves sitting in kindergarten chairs in an elementary library being told everything our hearts craved. After three different sessions, we decided it was time to tackle the task to become certified innerkinetics coaches with Ray W. Lincoln & Associates.
Learning My Design
For those looking to learn more about innerkinetics, but not sure if they really want to take a leap into weekly coaching, this is a great start! During this session, we will have you complete an assessment and schedule a one hour call to discuss your temperament. You will gain insight and understanding of your strengths, Purpose, why your approach situations, your relationship to time and a deeper understanding about self-image.
Six Week 1-1 Coaching
Should you decide to jump in with both feet, your six week one hour coaching sessions will walk you through learning your design, getting a deeper understanding of relationships (family, work, etc), creating a vision for life
Corporate Training Event
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